


Tuesday, October 8th Promptly at 6:30pm Jacobean Room

8th Floor, Masonic Hall 71 W 23rd St, NYC

Cost is $45 (plus $1.70 credit card fee)


Goldenrule Clermont McKinley Lodge #486


Tuesday, October 8th Promptly at 6:30pm Jacobean Room

8th Floor, Masonic Hall 71 W 23rd St, NYC

COME JOIN US for the fun and Brotherhood of a Octoberfest feast!

Dinner and means of refreshment

Cost is $45 (plus $1.70 credit card fee)

For more information or to RSVP

please contact:

WM David Nunzito or W. Mark Klein Jr. Secretary

david.nunziato@gmail.com or  GCM486Secy@gmail.com